Thursday, March 10, 2011

2011 TFC Crusade Just a Few Weeks Away

We are planning and praying for this years Teens for Christ Crusade. It is hard to believe that it is coming up in just a few weeks. Pray that God does a work in the hearts and lives of the students in our county. Our desire is that students will be so excited about what could be done in and through this meeting that they have a tremendous burden to invite students from their school. There is no telling what could be done this year. May God bless this meeting. Make plans to attend and bring your friends!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Teens for Christ Recap

We are thankful for the blessing of God on the Teens for Christ Crusade. Hundreds of teenagers met together at the Central High School Auditorium each evening. The Lord truly blessed the singing, testimonies, instrumental specials, and the preaching of the Word of God. Friday night was Friend Night and the message was powerful. God used Mr. Scott Pauley as the message was delivered with fervency and excitement. Young people responded during the invitation. We were thankful to see souls saved and teenagers who were broken, desiring God to use them for His glory.

Saturday evening was Family Night. Many young people came and brought their parents. Once again, there was a fabulous crowd of teenagers who listened intently to the Word of God. Dr. Clarence Sexton, founder of the Teens for Christ Bible Clubs, preached a convicting message about our part in giving the gospel to those around us. Many young people came to the altar to pray for parents and friends who they desired to see come to know Christ as their personal Savior.
We believe God met with us and are anticipating seeing fruit that remains in the upcoming days. God stirred hearts of teenagers and we are thankful to God for the opportunity to host this meeting. Please be in special prayer for the young people who made decisions during the Crusade. May God's blessing continue to be upon this ministry as we seek to reach and teach the next generation!

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Lord Blessed the Thursday Evening Meeting

The Lord truly blessed the first night of our Teens for Christ Crusade. Hundreds of young people gathered together as we sensed the Lord working in hearts and lives. Great singing, a testimony, and Christ honoring music all prepared the hearts of those in attendance for the preaching of the Word of God. Mr. Scott Pauley brought a powerful Bible message and God worked in a tremendous way. To God be the glory, 13 precious young people made a profession of faith in Christ as their personal Savior. Other teenagers came forward to pray for their friends as they committed to God that they would invite them to the meeting. Many other young people made decisions that would help them grow in their relationship with Christ.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Teens for Christ Crusade

We are praying and expecting to see the Lord do a great work in the hearts and lives of teenagers this week. Make plans to attend every night of the Teens for Christ Crusade. As you talk to and see your friends, invite them to come with you. Be sure to check the blog as we will be adding pictures and summaries daily!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sponsor Appreciation Banquet

God has blessed us with nearly 20 years of ministry to the young people of Knox County. Each year, we host a Sponsor Banquet in order to show our appreciation and gratefulness to the teachers and administrators who have been so kind to us. Without these relationships, Teens for Christ could not have the influence in our area that is has been granted by the Lord. Many of the teachers and principals came and enjoyed an evening of fellowship, food, and encouragement. Thanks so much to all those who have had a part in making this year another fantastic year for our Teens for Christ Bible Clubs!

Most Outstanding Club
Whittle Springs Middle School

Most Improved Club
Gresham Middle School

Friday, April 24, 2009

Teens for Christ Picnic

Our final activity during the school year was our Teens for Christ Picnic. Many young people from across our area attended for a time of fun, food, games, fellowship, and encouragement from God's Word at Mount Moriah Christian Camp. This has truly been a wonderful year as we have seen God bless as He worked in lives of thousands of young people. Thanks so much for your faithfulness to the Lord and for your encouragement in attending the Bible clubs.