Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Friday Evening Meeting Continues to Prove that God is Working in the Lives of Students in Knox County

"The Lord is always advancing." We came to the Friday evening meeting with great expectation in seeing the Lord move by Spirit. During the Thursday evening meeting, Dr. Sexton encouraged all in attendance to return on Friday night and bring a friend with them. The Lord blessed as most of the students returned and we were privileged to see many new faces. The meeting was filled with enthusiastic singing, wonderful testimonies, and a strong gospel message on one of the most forgotten messages of the Bible- Hell. The Lord worked in a miraculous way as many students came forward during the invitation. Again, we were blessed to see young people come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. In addition, many young people dedicated themselves to share the gospel with lost family members and friends. We are looking forward to seeing what the Lord does in our final meeting on Saturday night.

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